Collection comments

How about opening up collections to comments? I think that would be a cool addition.

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2 Replies

I'd like that, and being able to add pictures of your collection displayed on your individual profile.

over 10 years ago · Comment ·

As cool as a concept as it would be for people to leave feedback on your collection, I think it also leaves the door open for people to hassle you about "when are you selling this?" or "man, I really want that piece, will you sell it to me?" or other variations. With the listings being by themselves and saying that X people owning it, I think it allows the separation so that people can see that people want an item and people can express that they'd sell their first born child for something.

Pictures would be cool, but I imagine with the resolution that these images are capped at due to storage space on a server, that having pictures of everyones' collection may be cumbersome, or the photos being low enough resolution that it would be hard to zoom in.


over 10 years ago · Comment ·


nicedream I guess I could see that, as far as the hassling. I'd still like it though. over 10 years ago


aznalan15 It's the social aspect of it. If they can implement a block system, and you need xxx amount of rep to post to someones collection etc. It could work. almost 10 years ago

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