Artist · 8 items
Hailing from the streets of Basel, Switzerland is BustArt, a street artist best known for his colourful and complex graffiti that can be described as ‘Street Pop-Art’. BustArt’s style is like his method, extremely versatile. From freehand painting to stencils with up to 8 layers, he uses everything, as long as concrete walls are the canvas for his art. His artistic career began during the era of street art expansion, in 1999 with very classical graffiti writing. Since then he has picked up the many facets of the art form along the way and merges them in his artistic process. His iconic creations are not made with aerosol-cans only, but also incorporate brushes, markers and stencils. BustArt’s street art combines writing and figurative elements to contribute to urban aesthetics and to intrigue his audience about the issues behind the paintings. Every brand evolves over time to adapt to the rapidly changing business climate. He believes that identifying what sets a brand apart from its competitors and then translating it into its brand message and products will not only strengthen the brand’s identity, but will also help the brand successfully navigate through the changing markets and effectively communicating its brand values.
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