Emilio Subirá
Emilio Subirá

Emilio Subirá


Artist · 273 items

Art is that thing which talks in circles to speak of existence. The expression of the inexplicable, precarious at best, steps in (or should) when words fall short, activating a language that speaks of intuition, appealing to the depths of the psyche, to our collective consciousness. In this mode, my work intends to serve as a psychoanalysis from the particular to the general and vice versa, based on my perception as a filter that distills reality and its characteristic ambiguity. In this way my work aims to represent the multiple paradoxes of existence by means of visual metaphors: metaphor, the language of our intuition. It is the subconscious which must receive this message. These images, these representations—visual, in this case—aspire to be vehicles in which to lose oneself in contemplation for a few moments; to meditate and engage in dialogue with ourselves, review our conventionalisms, analyze ourselves as individuals, analyze the contradictions of our nature by detaching ourselves from our "I" and its prejudices; and to gaze toward the horizon of the ideal, toward the edge of the quotidian, into the changing current of the river through which we navigate. Each work thus affirms a small aspect of the human condition, bearing witness to it from my personal perspective on the situation, camouflaged beneath a language of evocative symbols. The subjective nature of individual reality, the degradation of our culture, the rising cult of false idols and the new validation of mediocrity, the dominant frivolity, insanity, common sense, nonsense, the Tao and the eternal flow, constant change, the cyclical character of life, fear as the sustenance of "god," the endless repetition of the same mistakes, the passage of time, evolution, etc. These are the themes that obsess me, and I build my work upon them. Because absurdity rules over beings of reason, our insanity is legitimate.

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