Artist · 2 items
"Smile maker & Spray painter & Doodler & Street Maroufleur & Designer" In the 90s, Kekli began painting via hip-hop culture through graffiti. Over time, a character takes an increasingly important place in his work, the "Boyo", originally a yellow head, slanting eyes and a big frozen smile. Today he has fun mixing everything: styles, techniques and supports. He draws, stencils, pastes and paints his characters with broad smiles on the four corners of the streets of our cities, paying homage to the heroes of his childhood and to the icons of pop culture while declining a writing and a set of graphic modules which are his. clean. These smiles try to make other smiles appear, to generate a response, a smile from the passer-by, to get him out of his routine if only for a few seconds. Smile!
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