Mark Brown
Mark Brown

Mark Brown


Artist · 107 items

Mark Brown spent his childhood in an imaginary world. On cool days, Mark could be found running amok in the woods designing, constructing, and defending tree fort cities from sudden attacks by blood thirsty ninja hoards. On hot days, he spent his time building and testing fleets of wooden rafts, which he needed in his search for strange undiscovered forms of aquatic life. On rainy days, he was usually lost in the pages of epic struggles or bizarre facts at the local library. One day, he decided to leave all that behind, and head out into the real world. Having nothing to show for his 12 years of schooling but the mountains of doodles and sketches he had secretly created when he should have been studying science and history, he applied to be an apprentice paste-up artist for a nearby print shop. Many years and many jobs later, after putting the finishing touches on an especially dreary illustration of a new dairy cow pregnancy test, he realized the real world wasn't quite what he thought it would be. Deciding that enough was enough, he tossed it all and headed back to his dreams, where he was surprised to learn that even in an imaginary world, time passes, and that it had changed and grown without him. Mark is currently happily re-exploring his world, visiting old friends and painstakingly documenting the strange flora and fauna that moved in while he was away.

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