Nathan Walker
Nathan Walker

Nathan Walker


Artist · 3 items

Nate was born and raised in the wilds of New England. He grew up with a strong spark of imagination, a fiery bundle of creativity, and a warm winter jacket. While the days may have often been gray and cloudy, his aspirations never dwindled. And with a trusty box of crayons at the ready, art was always on his mind. Bound by a never ending curiosity, Nate found his way across the street, across the country, and eventually across the ocean. Whether in Durham, Los Angeles, or Sydney, his path to education was never limited to a classroom nor bound by a zip code. Nate studied sculpture at UNH; pursued animation with the Associates of Art, in California; discovered environmental art in Queensland, Australia; and finished his degree in illustration at Montserrat College of Art, back in New England. Nate currently lives just north of Boston, where he works as a freelance illustrator and visitng artist. His repertoire consists mainly of children’s book and editorial illustrations, but his breadth extends far beyond to include mural work, graphic design, and sculpture.

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