'Gentle Creatures' is an online show that features a series of new drawings and paintings.
I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting my work along the way, and welcome the many newcomers who have joined the mailing list in the recent weeks. I am pleased to present my latest exhibition, Gentle Creatures. This selection of work features a mixture of drawings and paintings that will set the tone for my future work. I am really excited to share this body of work and hope that you enjoy the images.
Sales for this show will be handled a bit differently than my shows in the past. I would like everyone to have a chance to 'preview' the exhibit beforehand in an attempt to get work into the hands of those who may have missed out in the past. Please feel free to view all of the new work at the link below.
You will have between now and 12pm EST tomorrow to make your selections. On Thursday, November 15 at 12pm EST, we will begin to take orders. At that time, we will go down the line and orders will be taken on a first come first served basis. You will be notified via email, and at that point details for payment and shipping will be arranged. Please do not send your selections before Thursday at 12 pm, as they will not be valid. We would like to offer those on the mailing list the first opportunity to make their selections; beginning at 5pm on Thursday it will go live to other sites (outside of the mailing list).
Again, thank you very much for your support!
Very Best,