Street Textures
Event · 77 items
January 09, 2015
“Chicago is big. It is busy. It is constructed of many different neighborhoods. But, as a Chicagoan, I feel connected to it all. When I think of the Irving Park Brown Line, I remember trading my PB&J for fried bologna. When I walk past Monroe and Columbus I think about the importance of buying a good bike lock. When I drive by Division and California I remember my favorite dog that I’ve ever met. These memories are connected to a specific location in our city. Staying connected to such a huge and active place is daunting. It’s hard.” All of the pieces in this show are on found materials. The name of the piece is the address, intersection, or geographical location of where the piece was found; connecting it to a specific location in Chicago. There is a map of Chicago which will pinpoint where all of the pieces are from. The found objects represent the location, an area, a feeling, a city.
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