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Goyaadi Intergalactic Park Series


Series · 4 items

“Goyaadi Intergalactic Park” brings to Earth images of my recent trip to just that – Goyaadi Intergalactic Park. Goyaadi is a planetary preserve in the Chesnar Sphere. Visitors are drawn there to observe and kindly interact with the many forms of planetary wonderment present. There is a palpable and implicit oneness with the multiverse in these beings. The only evidence of any conflict can be found at the entrance platform in the form of a questionable line in their welcome sign, presumably referencing past visitors to and not the beings of the planet, which reads: Welcome to Goyaadi Intergalactic Park. Information and maps can be found at the kiosk to your right. Please no littering or leaving of refuse. Thank you for visiting. We hope you enjoy your stay. *Notice to all Sarlaans: Consumption of the inhabitants of Goyaadi and its visitors, in whole or part, is strictly prohibited. Doing so will ensure strict repercussions by the ERG Commission under Article 719 of the Mudoga Skal Treaty.

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