


Venue · 36 items

It all started when a group of great friends developed a love for collecting movie print art. It’s natural for friends to adopt similar tastes and styles, so we did. For years we’ve been collecting print art and absolutely love it—seriously, you should see our walls. The problem is, when you start to become obsessed with something, your desires narrow. It’s like you’ve been fishing for tuna for years, but what you really want is to catch some great white sharks. Having said that, we grew tired of catching our tuna, so we decided to launch this vessel that stands before you—Skuzzles. With Skuzzles we are able to share the ideas we have with everyone else. We are able to collaborate with many different talented people to create epic limited edition cult decor. Our primary interests are creating opportunities for artists, developing truly unique products for collectors, and to promote and give back to an industry (film and cinema) that has moulded the imaginations of all of us. We are Canadian-based company located in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada and have partnered exclusively with the Mayfair Theatre. We formed in 2010 and if you’re reading this now, we’re still in business!

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