Chocolate Easter Bunny What the Effing Eff!?
Item Details
About this Artist
Like a sledgehammer to your funny bone, The Chung!! uses his unique brand of off-beat humor to examine the inevitable misfortunes and disappointments that accompany all of our lives and finds a glimmering ray of light therein. His work reminds us to step back, stop taking ourselves so seriously, and use the moment to laugh at our failures, because after all, feeling sorry for ourselves never got anyone anywhere. David Chung, affectionately known as The Chung!!, lives in Los Angeles yet works out of some dark, strange corner of the human imagination that the rest of us generally knows to stay away from. His artwork, filled with humor and awkwardness, is a sort of catharsis for the moments of humiliation which inevitably stain all of our lives. The Chung!! has shown in galleries all over Los Angeles, New York, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and parts of Europe. He currently works full time during the day as a Background Designer for Nickelodeon and a fine artist by night.Our invasion will take form of collectable art known as designer toys. We've scoured this planet for it's finest artists and creatives to define the vessels of our mind control devices. Each of limited quantity and premium quality meant to collect and bring joy, these "toys" are a perfect means to inflitrate. At first it's just one art toy, a cool vinyl figure that speaks to your style, then another, and another. Soon you won't be able to stop and WE will take credit for that! Stationed out of our Mothership in Philadelphia we are Invading this planet to bring you toys. watch the skies for fresh vinyl releases by amazing designers and join our interplanetary cause to replace this greasy marble's inhabitants with art loving Martians.
Production Details
- Released date Apr 1, 2022
- Retail Price $200.00
- Height 10.00"
- Width n/a
- Edition 100
- Ratio n/a