Custom Maiko (ToyCon 2023)

Item Details

About this Artist

Born into the greyness of England at the end of the Seventies, by the age of four Jon-Paul Kaiser knew that what he wanted to do in life was a draw. From that point he rarely strayed from that path; scribbling and doodling his way through School, College and University. After working with Porlzilla, Jon-Paul decided to go it alone concentrating at first on the toy customization scene, building up a name and strong reputation for himself with his stark Black & White custom style, influenced by comic book art, film noir & Ukiyo-e prints. This lead to him being approached by established toy producers for designs for their platform toys. Principally amongst these are Toy2R who have released numerous JPK Platforms.2PetalRose is the Art and Design of Ben and Liam Scriven. We make Resin Toys and paint alot! If you are interested in purchasing some of our work please visit our shop or contact us direct for more info. If you have a toy design and would like to discuss us making a small run for you please get in touch. Commissioned work is available on request for Toys, Customs, Canvas and Tattoo Flash... and anything else you think we can help with.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height n/a
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio n/a