custom munny chef

Item Details

About this Platform

A Munny is a figure created by Kidrobot and made out of vinyl with movable joints. The initial idea was undertaken by taggers/ street artists/ street art designs and toys from (illegal artists) who have come to bring back their work legally to the public to display their works. The figures are blank and the owner can decorate them using pens, pencils, markers, paint, and other supplies. Alternatively, some people commission artists to design Munnys for them, or artists design them to sell. In MUNNYWORLD, you can do anything you want! MUNNY, BUB, TRIKKY, RAFFY, and ROOZ are the soft, super smooth vinyl figures that make up MUNNYWORLD. Each one is a blank canvas, and all ready for scribbling, piercing, painting, posing, piling, dressing up, and sculpting into forms straight from your imagination or you can keep them just as they are. See how great you truly are. Do amazing things and create more than ever before. And, most importantly, have fun with MUNNYWORLDMR. MARS. AIRBRUSH ARTIST. DESIGNER. “ART IS NOT WHAT YOU SEE, BUT WHAT YOU MAKE OTHERS SEE.” -EDGAR DEGAS GRAFFITI STARTED MY PASSION. THE PROCESS OF CREATING, BENDING AND TWISTING LETTERS TO CALL YOUR OWN STRUCK ME FROM THE MOMENT I FIRST THEM SPRAWLED ACROSS MY HOMETOWN IN HOUSTON. OVER THE YEARS I HAVE DRIVEN MYSELF TO CREATING NEW LETTER FORMS, COLOR COMBINATIONS, AND BALANCING MY PIECE UNTIL I REALIZED THAT GRAFFITI WAS JUST THE BEGINNING TO MY LIFE OF CREATING. MY WORK IS CREATED FROM THE INSIDE OUTWARD TWISTING IT WITH POPULAR THEMES. I EMPLOY BOTH TRADITIONAL AND “NEW SCHOOL” TECHNIQUES. THE REPETITION IN MY WORK ALLOWS ME TO SHOWCASE PIECES OF MY OWN LIFE AND HISTORY ON MY PIECES, REGARDLESS OF THE THEME.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height 4.00"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition 1
  • Ratio 1:1