
Item Details

About this Venue

Stranger Factory is the newest branch of the Circus Posterus family tree, a unique highly visible gallery located in Nob Hill just off the historically famous Route 66 (Central Ave) in the heart of Albuquerque, New Mexico and is dedicated to bringing a new style of art to the area. With their worldwide network of talent, Stranger Factory will bring many incredible names in the post modern, pop surrealist and “lowbrow” art community for the very first time as well as offering aspiring art collectors the opportunity to begin their collections with original works and editioned releases at reasonable and retail-friendly prices. Stranger Factory is the official flagship retail outlet for all Circus Posterus goods including original artwork, limited edition prints and books, sculptural editions and apparel as well as other gifts, novelties, designer toys, and curious objects of beauty and wonder!Mixed media tends to refer to a work of visual art that combines various traditionally distinct visual art media. For example, a work on canvas that combines paint, ink, and collage could properly be called a "mixed media" work. When creating a painted or photographed work using mixed media it is important to choose the layers carefully and allow enough drying time between the layers to ensure the final work will have integrity. If many different media are used it is equally important to choose a sturdy foundation upon which the different layers are imposed. Many interesting effects can be achieved by using mixed media. Often, found objects are used in conjunction with traditional artist media, such as paints and graphite, to express a meaning in the everyday life. In this manner, many different elements of art become more flexible than with traditional artist media.Tado is Mike and Katie, two very hard working people who do graphic design, illustration, animation, toy design, and a bit of everything in between. Tado are based in Sheffield UK, enjoy eating ice cream, and playing with their dogs. The pair work across a huge range of projects, from logos, animation and web design through to customised cars, designer toys and home-ware! Over the past 7 years Tado have worked like demons to continually produce all kinds of projects – it is the diversity of their work that they love. Tado enjoy all aspects of what they do and try their best to spread love and happiness to the unsuspecting world. As well as their commercial design and illustration projects Tado also have a lot of other projects such as exhibitions and toy and merchandise production. Their first solo exhibition was held in 2006 in LA and was a collaboration with designer retail outlet Kidrobot. Since then recent exhibitions include "MTV Toy" at ‘Design Week’ in Milan (MTV Italia), window dressings for the prestigious Le Bon Marche department store in Paris, and a collaborative show with Jon Burgerman, also in Paris. Tado work closely with several companies on various toy, artifact

Production Details

  • Released date Dec 4, 2015
  • Retail Price $350.00
  • Height 5.50"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition 1
  • Numbered No