Item Details
About this Venue
Stationed out of our Mothership in Philadelphia we are Invading this planet to bring you toys. Watch the skies for fresh vinyl releases by amazing designers and join our interplanetary cause to replace this greasy marble's inhabitants with art loving Martians. You think they will plop down a mothership next to the local Walmart? Maybe set a saucer on the Apple Glass Cube on 5th Ave? Or will a little green dude walk into Starbucks, say, “Greetings Earthling!” and proceed to order a Pumpkin Spiced Latte!? — don’t be silly. Our invasion will take form of collectable art known as designer toys. We've scoured this planet for it's finest artists and creatives to define the vessels of our mind control devices. Each of limited quantity and premium quality meant to collect and bring joy, these "toys" are a perfect means to infiltrate. At first it's just one art toy, a cool vinyl figure that speaks to your style, then another, and another. Soon you won't be able to stop and WE will take credit for that!Jeune artiste parisien, Fakir s'est fait connaître des amateurs de designer toys grâce à ses customs de figurines parfaitement exécutés. Il est également à l'origine du Lapin Qbiq qu'il a lui-même autoproduit. Illustrateur, character-designer, peintre et toymaker, il capte dans ses travaux toute l'énergie de ses références visuelles pour nous offrir un florilège inspiré de personnages exaltés. Avec un traité graphique très pur et des influences issues du cartoon, du graffiti, du manga ou du tatouage, l'univers de Fakir est d'une incroyable fraicheur et d'une maîtrise surprenante.
Production Details
- Released date May 2, 2019
- Retail Price $400.00
- Height n/a
- Width n/a
- Edition 1
- Ratio n/a