
Item Details

About this Venue

Giant Robot Store, established in 2001 features products from around the world. Notably, fun house wares, gifts, stationeries, t shirts, comics, plush and toy figures. Giant Robot is often cited as the birthplace for Asian Pop Culture products and Uglydolls. GR2 Gallery features art exhibitions by notable artists like Katsuya Terada, Luke Chueh, David Choe, Mari Inukai, Deth P Sun, Rob Sato, Ako Castuera, Sean Chao, Yoskay Yamamoto, Uglydoll, and countless others.The Giant Robot 2 (GR2) presents: YEAR OF THE DRAGON – an art exhibition featuring Dragons! This is the official GR2 Grand Re-Opening as well as our beloved Michelle Borok’s Farewell… Michelle Borok who is coincidentally Year of the Dragon, began as a clerk at Giant Robot LA and quickly found herself managing all locations, curating exhibitions, building the brand, and needless to say, much much more. She will be moving to Mongolia. “While the Year of the Rabbit was characterized by calm and tranquility, the Year of the Dragon will be marked by excitement, unpredictability, exhilaration and intensity. The Rabbit imbues people with a sense of cautious optimism, but people respond to the spirit of the Dragon with energy, vitality and unbridled enthusiasm, often throwing all caution to the wind – which can be an unwise move: The Dragon is all about drama but if you take unnecessary risks, you may find yourself starring in your own personal tragedy.”

Production Details

  • Released date Jan 28, 2012
  • Retail Price $125.00
  • Height 13.00"
  • Width 12.00"
  • Edition 1
  • Numbered No