Gagameru SOLID Hedoran
Item Details
About this Manufacturer
Created in 2006 as a manufacturing resource for artists and small companies, SOLID Industries, Inc. is a one-stop shop for getting high quality, limited edition products manufactured and delivered. Founded by Jeremy Madl (aka MAD) the company serves as a means to product a variety of his own products, but also as a service to his friends and commercial clients. SOLID allows him to not only offer the design and development end of a project, but the project management and manufacturing side as well. Going from a concept sketch all the way to a final product on a shelf is now possible. SOLID is also a work for hire resource, if a design is already done and is looking to be taken to the next level SOLID can help. Already working with several different clients on a variety of projects, we work one on one with each client to assure their input is injected throughout the process. The end result being a solid project that reflects the passion and hard work of all who helped bring it to market.Gagameru is a creator populations continue the creative activities around the toy in its own perspective. 2002, in order to send to Japan the world not only a unique toy culture in the country, Tokyo to start quietly active in Adachi Ward, we have continued to create a work that was stuck to quality. Although we new start as a "limited company Gagameru" in September 2005, in order to deliver the good toys than ever to everyone, in the unchanging stance as ever, and we continue to create a commitment new work on quality you.
Production Details
- Released date n/a
- Retail Price n/a
- Height n/a
- Width n/a
- Edition n/a
- Ratio n/a