Key Lime Seedlas

Item Details

About this Event

Myplasticheart in conjunction with The Little Hut is excited to welcome Japanese artist Shoko Nakazawa, creator of Byron and Seedlas, to New York in her first US exhibition – Beasts in the Lower East. Established in 2004, myplasticheart is a toy store and gallery dedicated to bringing the best in both the designer toy and contemporary art world together in one place. Located in the Lower East Side in New York City myplasticheart provides one of the largest selections of designer art toys anywhere. From mini figures to plush to art books and prints you will find a wide range of unique art and design products related to the designer toy culture. The myplasticheart gallery hosts monthly exhibits showcasing many contemporary underground pop and urban artists and illustrators from all over the world. myplasticheart has exhibited works by Julie West, Chris Ryniak, Shawnimals, Andrew Bell, Scott C., and Aya Kakeda to name a few. You can learn more about our gallery and shows at myplasticheart also operates mphlabs, the division of the company responsible for product development in the form of limited edition art and design collectibles. Since 2006 mphlabs has produced various projects with many local artists as well as artists from overseas. You can learn more at Mo. - closed Tu. - Sa. - 12:00 pm - 07:00 pm Su. - 12:00 pm - 05:00 pm Illustrator, designer and artist. Women's Junior College art molding graphic design graduate classroom. Living in Tokyo. After working design company, free as a graphic designer. Through the design work, such as package design, logo design, character design and font design, using gesso, and acrylic paint on board and canvas in illustrator photoshop analog tools are digital tools widely produced anti-D, to three-dimensional works from the plane, In addition, it actively participates in art events of national and international, such as custom Atotoi. It is focused design of the original furniture with tile and solid plate, rebar, also in production in recent years.

Production Details

  • Released date May 31, 2019
  • Retail Price $30.00
  • Height 3.00"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio n/a