Magma Pterantor

Item Details

About this Artist

My name is Christopher Lee and I am a designer, illustrator and an action figure connoisseur. I’m a Sacramento native and graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a Bachelor’s degree in graphic design. My entire life has revolved around drawing and art since I was old enough to hold a crayon and scribble outside the lines of a Golden Activity Book. After I graduated college in July of 2006, I moved to Southern California in search of new inspiration amongst new surroundings. Since moving I’ve worked as an Art Director for Vapors Magazine (RIP), had a couple vinyl toys released, and was recruited to the motion graphics studio, Buck, where I started as a senior designer and moved up to Art Director. I stayed at Buck for the next three years. In October 2009, I said “goodbye” to Buck and decided to focus solely on my illustration career. Leaving Buck was probably one of the toughest career decisions I’ve ever had to make. That place became my second home and my co-workers, my extended family. I grew more as an artist working there than I have at any other point in my career. Deep down I knew Buck was a steppingThis profile is a mix of all designer toys made by the artists. We may reorganize this profile in the future and an artists that creates their own toys would have a separate manufacturer profile.

Production Details

  • Released date Nov 18, 2023
  • Retail Price $100.00
  • Height 8.00"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition 75
  • Ratio n/a