
Item Details

About this Venue

Du Lundi au Samedi de 11h à 20h Métro Louvre-Rivoli (ligne 1) Parskid was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest where he draws inspiration from his childhood, the weather, and rusty surfaces. He experiments with paint, plush, and digital mediums. His work has been exhibited in many cities in the US, including LA and NYC, and also abroad in Australia, Taiwan, Spain, and the UK. His work has been published in the following magazines: King Brown, Art Prostitute, Cool’eh, Novum, Beautiful/Decay, Day in the Lyfe, and Dirty Soup. As well as these published books: Dot Dot Dash, Canceled Flight, War of Monstars, Pictoplasma 2 and Monstaah!. When he’s not curled up in his dark underground lair her enjoys dripping marsh ink, spraying rusto paint, and playing by the tracks.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height 8.00"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition 1
  • Ratio n/a