Shaolin RAAAR! Prototype

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Back in the 1900s, deep in Alaska, a group of miners were blasting dirt, ice and what not searching for precious metals. Instead they discovered an unknown species of dwarf T-Rex. The miners' dynamite stirred something in this cantankerous critter and he developed a taste for it. Soon their entire stash had been grabbed up. When he couldn't have any he'd get mad and bellow so loud that they decided to name him RAAAR!Dynamite Rex is a resin and vinyl designer toy producer creating a world of art toys for all creative people to play in. A small crew of artists, fabricators, and designers that love art, comics, design and experimenting with materials & technology are the driving force behind Dynamite Rex. We want to showcase your version of our little beasties. Give 'em life!Jerome Lu was born in Mountain View and raised in the Bay Area by a family of wild monkeys. Even when he was a small chimp, they could see that he believed every crayon in the box had magical powers, and he would transform blank pages into colorful, fantastic worlds filled with monkeys, ninjas, robots and all his craziest dreams. His wild monkey relations soon recognized his artistic talent and nurtured it with a diet of Skittles and Corn Nuts. They made sure his art education included Saturday morning cartoons and ABC After School Specials. Now that Jerome has grown up to be a big monkey, they are quite proud that his childhood creativity has never diminished. In fact, it has grown, and he is working on his biggest art project to date: constructing a 20-story ultimate monkey ninja robot.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height n/a
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio n/a