I entered the design business quite late when I was 24 years old. After my diploma in marketing & sales at a viennese university, I figured out, that my former dreamjob - working at an advertising agency as a client service member - has not much to do with being creative, in the sense of how I interpret it. As I still couldn´t believe that marketing didn´t give me the space for my creativity I did a few other jobs related to my study, hoping to find my passion.
Afterall I decided to take my hobby (playing arround with photoshop and illustrator) more serious and started to design my first websites. After several numbers of layouts I got more into illustration and into print projects. Business is hard, especially for a selfmade graphic designer, but together with friends working in a familiar business we founded a pool where we tried to support eachother and to set up projects together. Beside that, i found companies to work with as a freelancer on a regular basis, in the field of trendsports and lifestyle projects.
.... so much for the past