
Item Details

About this Manufacturer

This profile is a mix of all designer toys made by the artists. We may reorganize this profile in the future and an artists that creates their own toys would have a separate manufacturer profile.Noferin is an independent studio that proudly produces the work of husband and wife, Nicholas and Candy Robertson. Candy has a background in art, design and visual communication. Candy has always loved to draw and paint whimsical characters. She especially loves working with her husband, bringing the Pecanpals stories to life. Her heroes include Tove Jansson, Beatrix Potter and Hayao Miyazaki. Nicholas has a background in writing, with interests in environmental science and design. He occupies his days writing stories for his wife to illustrate and moonlighting as a climbing gym for his daughter. His heroes include A.A.Milne, Wes Anderson and John Steinbeck.Jibibuts were released in 2009 and are stocked by leading museums, galleries, art, design and gift boutiques worldwide. 12 to collect plus 2 extra special rare gold or silver editions. One display case of 12 guarantees a complete set. 2.5 – 3.5 inches tall. Made from 100% sustainably harvested rubber wood. Jibibuts sp., are long-lived forest dwellers native to the west coast of Carrara Island. Found mostly in moist temperate climates, they scurry about the forest floor consuming all manner of fallen leaf litter. Jibibuts sp., are important biological indicators of forest health. Specimens discovered by the Biological Institute of Carrara. Males are colored. Females are brown-toned About the wood we use: Jibibuts are made from sustainably harvested rubber tree wood that would otherwise go to waste. Rubber trees are planted for their rubber but after about 20 years, their rubber yields start to diminish. We use this beautiful wood for all our wooden products, thus saving it from the fire pit.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height 3.50"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio 1/12

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