Purple Evil Ape Fink (DCon '20)
Item Details
About this Venue
Stationed out of our Mothership in Philadelphia we are Invading this planet to bring you toys. Watch the skies for fresh vinyl releases by amazing designers and join our interplanetary cause to replace this greasy marble's inhabitants with art loving Martians. You think they will plop down a mothership next to the local Walmart? Maybe set a saucer on the Apple Glass Cube on 5th Ave? Or will a little green dude walk into Starbucks, say, “Greetings Earthling!” and proceed to order a Pumpkin Spiced Latte!? — don’t be silly. Our invasion will take form of collectable art known as designer toys. We've scoured this planet for it's finest artists and creatives to define the vessels of our mind control devices. Each of limited quantity and premium quality meant to collect and bring joy, these "toys" are a perfect means to infiltrate. At first it's just one art toy, a cool vinyl figure that speaks to your style, then another, and another. Soon you won't be able to stop and WE will take credit for that!A division of Urban Vinyl Daily, UVD Toys strives to bring to life products and toys of some of today’s most talented artists. Keep an eye out for more exciting projects as we continue to build the brand behind an amazing lineup of creative people. In 2010 UVD was born as a blog called Urban Vinyl Daily. We covered all aspects of the designer toy, street art, and low brow art world. Our goal was to help spread the word about what was going on and help artist gain attention for what they were doing. In 2016 we made the shift from bloggers to producers and we haven’t looked back! Since then we have created some amazing toys with some of the world’s biggest artists! What will we make next?Evil was born in 1991, when one of MCA’s favorite entertainers, Pee Wee Herman (Mr. Paul Reubens), was arrested in an adult movie theater. Agitated by the absurd way in which Reubens was demonized by the media, MCA manipulated his mug shot, added devil horns to his head, and sarcastically wrote the word “Evil” beneath it. He printed up T-shirts and stickers with this image and began distributing them in and around Boston: Since then, Evil Design has spread throughout the world. If you picked up Kid 606’s critically acclaimed CD The Action Packed Mentalist Brings You the Fucking Jams, or own a T-shirt from Weezer’s Pinkerton world tour, or from Mission of Burma’s initial string of “Inexplicable” reunion shows, then you’ve seen his work. MCA has also made a name for himself in the gallery world over the past few years. Aside from his highly successful collaboration show “Destroy You, NYC – MCA + MAGMO” at Orchard Street Gallery in Manhattan, he also recently had a solo show (“Simian Nation”) in Boston at The Lab as well as taken part in a three man show (with Abe Lincoln Jr. & Ethos) at the Rotofugi Gallery in Chicago to name just
Production Details
- Released date n/a
- Retail Price $60.00
- Height 4.00"
- Width n/a
- Edition 75
- Ratio n/a