
Item Details

About this Artist

Ronzo a.k.a 'Vandal Extraordinaire is a London based guerilla style artist, as intriguing as the characters he illustrates. When not too busy drinking tea in his secret underground lair he can be found mapping his imagination onto paper, applying paint to whatever he comes across and creating crazy installations in the street.Lunartik’s Mini Tea Tour featuring 70+ custom works of art, created from Matt JOnes’ platform toy, Lunartik in a Cup of Tea. These artistic interpretations have been brewed to perfection by a fine selection of World Artists. The Mini Tea Tour debuts at the 43° Gallery in Berlin, then moves on to Vienna to the Sixxa store for spring, then off to the USA and to Dragatomi for summer, and lastly we see this year’s tour come to rest in Forbidden Planet’s Mega Store in London for the Christmas season.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height n/a
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio n/a