Sad… Broken… Alone…

Item Details

About this Artist

Born in Philadelphia, but raised in Fresno, Luke Chueh (pronounced CHU) studied graphic design at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obipso where he earned a BS in Art & Design (Graphic Design concentration). He was employed by the Ernie Ball Company, working in-house as designer/illustrator where he created several award winning designs and was featured in the design annuals of Communication Arts and Print Magazine. Meanwhile, he also created, produced, wrote, designed, edited and published "E.X.P.", a 'zine dedicated to the "Intelligent Dance Music (IDM)" genre. In 2003, Chueh moved to Los Angeles to further pursue a career in design. However, a lack of employment opportunities left him resorting to painting as a way to keep busy (a hobby he picked up while attending Cal Poly). He got his start when the Los Angeles underground art show, Cannibal Flower, invited him to show at their monthly events. Since then Chueh has quickly worked his way up the ranks of the LA art scene, establishing himself as an artist not to be ignored. Employing minimal color schemes, simple animal characters, and a seemingly endless list of ill-fated situations, Chueh stylistically balances cute with brute, walking the fine line between comedy andThis profile is a mix of all designer toys made by the artists. We may reorganize this profile in the future and an artists that creates their own toys would have a separate manufacturer profile.THE SUPER SUCKLORD is an intergalactic hustler and entrepreneur, trading in bootleg action figures, illicit remix records, and dusted internet video. Operating from a secret facility in Chinatown New York, The Sucklord is a master media manipulator and Downtown Designer Toy impresario. He is the supreme ruler of SUCKADELIC, an evil arts organization dedicated to the production and sale of the Sucklord's ironic, low-quality art merchandise.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price $45.00
  • Height 3.75"
  • Width n/a
  • Edition 200
  • Ratio n/a