Sucklord Gwin

Item Details

About this Manufacturer

This profile is a mix of all designer toys made by the artists. We may reorganize this profile in the future and an artists that creates their own toys would have a separate manufacturer profile.The Gwin is a curious creature based on Tux, created by Larry Ewing & The GIMP. Gwins spend most of their time eating, sleeping, and hoarding treasure. They often form “armies” to protect their amassed riches. Now is your chance to build your own Gwin Army to guard your prized possessions! These designer vinyl penguins sit approximately 2.5″ high and make perfect desktop companions!THE SUPER SUCKLORD is an intergalactic hustler and entrepreneur, trading in bootleg action figures, illicit remix records, and dusted internet video. Operating from a secret facility in Chinatown New York, The Sucklord is a master media manipulator and Downtown Designer Toy impresario. He is the supreme ruler of SUCKADELIC, an evil arts organization dedicated to the production and sale of the Sucklord's ironic, low-quality art merchandise.

Production Details

  • Released date n/a
  • Retail Price n/a
  • Height n/a
  • Width n/a
  • Edition n/a
  • Ratio n/a