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"The original is painted with acrylics on wood in June of 2012. We also used a bit spray paint. The original painting was part of a series and our show called “Wild Cats” which we had in Lisbon, Portugal last year. We like to work with series and stay at one subject for a while. Therefore we chose to imagine a lot of our characters as gangs, with several members, which we put together to a group, but in the same way we can light up any single “guy” and imagine what he's like and what is his part of the gang. Everyone got his own name which supports his characteristics. So we often paint triple series with the main characters we focus on and create a surrounding. The actual “Tiger” piece is more iconic and stands for the whole Wild Cats gang. Thats the reason why it's simply called “Tiger”. The Wild Cats are a gang with this wild and aggressive rapper attitude. It was a lot of fun to work with them and they still appear every once a while in our actual wall paintings." - Low Bros

Production Details

  • Release Date: July 12, 2013
  • Edition Size: 40
  • Materials: Paper
  • Dimensions: 18.0" x 24.0"
  • Exclusive Release:
  • Signed: Yes
  • Numbered: Yes

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5 Items: Low Bros
14992 Items: Giclée (Art Print)
50 Items: The Weird - Detroit Group Show

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