The King of the Forest - Hickory Bitternut III Designer Toy

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"Born in the year 1823 into the Royal Deciduous Family, the King was given the name Hickory Bitternut III. His family was responsible for making sure the balance was kept in the sacred peaceful bond between nature, critter and human. In the early 1900's a deadly disease had struck the Bitternut forest forcing all trees and animals to flee so as not to get sick. Hickory was the only survivor of the R.D.F and thus was crowned king, though he never really felt fit for the job. As years went by, more and more animals started to move to the new kingdom and they all had stories to tell of why they had to flee their home land. One day a chipmunk arrived after travelling hundreds of miles on the back of a fox. He was very sick and died in the branches of Hickory, but not before telling him that it was the humans in their machines that had broken the sacred bond and were the reason for all the disease and suffering.

Production Details

  • Release Date:
  • Edition Size: 0
  • Materials:
  • Dimensions: 5.5"
  • Exclusive Release:
  • Ratio:

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