The newswire is empty ... I should really get on this.Trampt pre-launch babble

  • Posted on: March 19, 2012 @ 11:39AM
  • Published in: Hype

A Banksy located in Chinatown Boston. Thought some local street art would be good for first post, and I was too lazy to make something custom.

What the hell is Trampt? Good question. I'll probably give a more official explanation somewhere else on the site, but essentially Trampt is a platform to help artists share, promote and sell their work. While the site is open for all artists to add & share their work, we will definitely be curating the Library section a bit. Right now I'm not sure what that means, but I feel if there no management of content in the Library then it could just devolve into a Deviant Art or Etsy where you have to wade through mountains of crap to find the few rare gems that are on there. We don't want to be that.

So the quick back story. A few years ago I bought a blind box at my local Newbury Comics and happened to pull a Mechadunny by Frank Kozik from Dunny Series 5 by Kidrobot. I thought it was so amazing that I went online and checked out the Kidrobot Forums, which lead me to other vinyl news sites, which lead to a variety of artists sites, which just made me want to find and collect even more.

I think the main reason for creating this site was to help people find information about toys and artists they liked without having to scavenge for bits and pieces across various blogs and sites. However, the more we thought out what the site could be the more excited we got and the more shit we started building. We have many other features that the site will be developing over the coming months, but we felt we wanted to get something in front of artists and collectors so we could start getting some feedback and incorporating it into future releases.

Holy hell that was quite a ramble. If you actually made it through all of that and want a prize for your effort then drop me an email at and I'll mail you something for the hell of it.

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Blake and I started Trampt back in 2010.. We love pouring all our free energy into more features, and soon we'll have... [more]

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