We made the cut for 'Best Blog' now we need your votes!Nominated for 2012 Designer Toy Awards for Best Blog

  • Posted on: July 15, 2012 @ 9:22PM
  • Published in: Hype

Trampt is nominated for 'Best Blog' at the 2012 Designer Toy Awards

We launched Trampt a few months after the 2011 Designer Toy Awards had already come and gone, but it looks like we've already made a lot of headway in our first year online as we're officially nominated for 'Best Blog' for 2012. While the nomination is great, this is a public category which means it's determined by your daily votes so if you love what we've done so far, and more importantly where this site is going we would love your vote!. We're up against some amazing blogs that have large followings, so every little vote helps.

Now that all that begging for votes is out of the way I'd like to thank Blake for putting up with my late-night IM's and emails asking about new features and functionality, new promotion ideas, and just general pestering. Secondly, I'd love to thanks you guys for helping us build up a great community so far, and getting us to nearly 44,000 items in the library ... will be 50k by our first anniversary. We're going to be making a few tweaks to conversations in the coming days that we really hope will foster greater user communication before we launch our highly-anticipated marketplace. I'm not sure if other people are saying that, but I know I am. :) Finally, be sure to vote for your favoriate artist, platform, etc across all categories. So many artists put in so much hard work, that if you love what they do then give them a vote and show your appreciation.

Finally there were literally no nominees in the 'Best Collection' category, so I took a quick pic and threw it up on the site, and it looks like I'm up for an possible award for that. I would love a Designer Toy Award to add to my shelves.

  • We_made_the_cut_for_best_blog_now_we_need_your_votes-trampt_nominated_for_the_2012_designer_toy_awar-trampt-746t
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Blake and I started Trampt back in 2010.. We love pouring all our free energy into more features, and soon we'll have... [more]

More from the author:
abusethesystem.com and @trampt

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