Qee-Zilla is on the loose!The Qee-Zilla Kid from MCA and Toy2r

  • Posted on: August 31, 2012 @ 4:00PM
  • Published in: New Releases

Hide yo kids, hide yo wives cause Qee-Zilla be destroying everything! MCA has teamed up again with Toy2r to bring you a new monstrous Qee for your collection. This design appears to be available in two versions, as is the case with most of the MCA and Toy2r releases, but no solid word on dates or price. I'm really hoping this guy will popup at NYCC. Will post some updates when we have them.

from MCA:
The basic concept & inspiration from MCA for the Qee-Zilla Kid is the wide open imagination we all have as kids. To be more specific, this design is particularly inspired by memories of watching 'Creature Double Feature' on a local Boston TV station on Saturday afternoons & seeing classic monster movies for the first time. After watching any shows or movies as a kid you always would later pretend to be that person, animal or monster when you are playing. Picture a young boy watching a Japanese monster movie for the first time, being completely blown away by it and then spending the next week imagining what it would be like be one of those Creatures, this is what the Qee-Zilla kid is all about.

  • Qee-zilla_is_on_the_loose-the_qee-zilla_kid_from_mca_and_toy2r-trampt-915t
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