Stegoforest Vinyl Club announcedGet the first editions, exclusive access, test pulls and more

  • Posted on: September 18, 2012 @ 11:02AM
  • Published in: New Releases

Jesse Narens just posted up a conversation here on Trampt announcing his Stegoforest Vinyl Club. If you're not aware, his popular resin Stegoforest!, has been funded to be produced in vinyl. He's limiting the club to 9 members, 3 spots are already filled, at a cost of $500. For joining you get 1 of every painted run until your $500 is paid back, then first access to new releases, test pulls, and other fun things. The Stegoforest & The Battle Damaged Acorn Warrior will also include another mini-figure currently being sculpted. If you're interested in joining hit up Jesse at

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