Featured but not forgotten, delayed featured postFeatured: MAD, Igor Ventura, Joshua Burdich, 64 Colors

  • Posted on: October 22, 2011 @ 3:59PM
  • Published in: Hype

These amazing artists have been in the library as featured artists for about two weeks now, and I need to switch them out with some new peeps but I never wrote up an news post on why they were so awesome. With the craziness of the Con, getting back and getting settled, and now putting the book together it's been an intense few weeks.

Featured for Designer Toys: MAD (Jeremy Madl)

It's weird to post this one since I had a couple of good chats with Mad over the NYCC weekend. I picked Mad because of his awesome BentWorld Beats release, and since then he's taking over the BentWorld with his new Spray Can series that features a bunch of great street artists. That series is going to drop November 3rd.

Featured for Custom Toys: Igor Ventura

Igor is one of the now infamous Red Mutuca Crew that we featured at our NYCC booth last weekend. The straight precision of his airbrushing and painting is just amazing, having actually held a few up close, they are nothing short of spectacular.

Featured for Art Prints: Joshua Budich

Joshua has a create illustrative style, but I mainly picked him this week for his contribution to the Garbage Pail Kid Show a few weeks back at Gallery 1988. I ordered his print, but unfortunately due to several mix ups it's currently sitting at my old apartment building waiting for me to pick it up on Monday. Can't wait to get this framed up and on my wall.

Featured for Original Art: 64 Colors

I picked 64 Colors as a featured for 'Original Art' this week but honestly they kill any platform they want to tackle. Their paintings have whimsical characters, usual set in a wooded setting, but always expressing wonderful emotion that really draws you to the piece. I have a few of their production pieces but someday I hope I can get my hands on a custom or painting.

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Blake and I started Trampt back in 2010.. We love pouring all our free energy into more features, and soon we'll have... [more]

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