The CAPSLs are coming! The CAPSLs are coming!CAPSL platform by Jason Freeny

  • Posted on: January 25, 2012 @ 1:42PM
  • Published in: Hype

Almost a full year after officially announcing that he had been secretly designing a line of collectible toys entitled CAPSLs, Designer Toy Awards's Breakthrough Artist winner Jason Freeny has updated the status saying that it will be revealed (unveiled?) on February 14th, 2012. Originally announced as a collaboration between Freeny, Jeremy Brautman (aka Jeremyriad), and Jason Feinberg (Jailbreak Collective), the CAPSL platform design had been completed in November and was moving forward towards production; as such, the February 14th announcement will likely be a first look at the actual pieces and/or an official release date.

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Blake and I started Trampt back in 2010.. We love pouring all our free energy into more features, and soon we'll have... [more]

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