Crystal Bong - Original Artwork Original Art

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16 x 20 Inches Acrylic & Collage on Canvas This body of work is from a body of work called Spaced Case. It’s an exploration of the visual imagery that we often associate with things that allow us to have out of body experiences. Psychedelics, healing crystals, live action roll playing, drug paraphernalia and the aesthetics of Southern California hippie culture all make an appearance in the series. Although I don’t take part in any of these subcultures, I’m intrigued by the visual language that they employ." - Amir H. Fallah

Production Details

  • Release Date: December 07, 2014
  • Edition Size: 1
  • Materials: Paper
  • Dimensions: 16.0" x 20.0"
  • Exclusive Release: 1xRUN
  • Signed: Yes
  • Numbered: No

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12 Items: Amir H. Fallah
1 Item: Acrylic & Collage

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