Indie184 Unverified Artist Portfolio
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Indie184, born in Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico, is a graffiti artist and graphic designer hailing from Washington Heights, New York City. Growing up all over NYC she began to participate in the graffiti culture in 2001. Determined to express herself to the world through art, she quit business college to teach herself how to sew, paint and produce graphic design. Influenced by all things colorful, happy and sexy. She is known for her classic New York simple yet playful feminine graffiti style infused with exuberant bold colors bursting with hearts, stars and bubbles. You can find her graffiti pieces in the streets from the South Bronx to Oslo. Indie’s graffiti was featured the recordbreaking Rockstar Games’ Grand Theft Auto IV video game. Her current endeavors include directing her streetwear brand Kweenz Destroy, curating art exhibitions and producing graphic design work for Pro-Keds, Super Rad Toys and Bic Plastics to name a few. Catch her painting in the streets, studio or or producing her next fashion collection.

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