Tara Krebs Verified Artist Portfolio
Verified Portfolio

This portfolio has been claimed by its owner. This means that the artist, manufacturer, or venue/store represented by this portfolio is an active member of the site, and they can use this portfolio as a space to curate their work and promote upcoming events.

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keegan User

Blake and I started Trampt back in 2010.. We love pouring all our free energy into more features, and soon we'll have a massive update of new stuff online and perhaps some new ventures in the physi...

MechaShonuff User

Halo Seraphim is a pop-culture artist who speaks fluent "Nerdinese". *Illustrator *Custom Vinyl *Toy designer *Comic creator/illustrator *Cartoonist *Asshole Shonuff! Studio

blake User

I wrote trampt.com with Keegan, and I'm here to help you with any questions, problems, or feature requests. I love art and vinyl, and I hope you love the site just as much.

shortarmy User

Oh my... I get to write about myself. How delightful! I am the lead babymaker for Trampt, inc. I'm pretty sure I'm also the head chef. I run shortarmy.com (with a lot of help from trampt captain...

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Goey246 Miami, FL

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