Bright Eyed Creatures Verified Artist Portfolio
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The first Bright Eyed Creature I ever discovered was a Sun Dragon pollywog. He was so small he didn't even have arms and legs yet.

Shortly after that, I found a few more and gave the larger ones rocks to bask on. I started calling them Sun Dragons because of the way their eyes lit up in the sun. They were pretty scrawny at first, but with some love and patience they started to grow. Now, they even get big enough to sprout wings!

I discovered the Imps next. Like the Sun Dragons, the first Imps didn't have limbs. However you could see in their eyes that they were going to be the trouble makers…. It took a few bribes to get them to come out of hiding. Once I did they started growing pretty big. None of the imps have grown wings yet, but I have a feeling it's only a matter of time.

A year or so passed before the first of the elusive Moon Dragons felt brave enough to introduce herself to me. She wasn't as small as the Sun Dragons had been when I first found them because Moon Dragons thrive at night and in shadows. Once I showed them how strong they could be if they spent a few hours in the light every day, they were happy to join their cousins on the basking rocks I provided.

The only problem is, now that they trust me, I'm running out of room for all of them. It seems like every time I turn around I've got another bright eyed creature smiling up at me. So we held a meeting and decided that some of them would go to live with other people who would love them and give them bright light to bask in. They also like the idea of living with kids and protecting them from closet monsters. Some of them are so brave they're willing to live in offices and frighten away computer bugs!

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