Suggestion for Custom Pages in Library

Maybe have an area for the year the custom was made on the library pages? Release date is very specific and you can't just put in the year. Is this something that's possible? Just a suggestion :)

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4 Replies

yeah, if anything just for the customs and artwork. for production and things like that, it makes more sense to have a specific release date, but it would be cool if there was an option for the year on top of the specific date, so people can check out stuff by year. 

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


keegan a yeah, it's come up a few times. the reason for the specific date entry for helping people find 'upcoming' releases in modules that aren't built yet. :) I agree that it does make it more difficult when putting in older items. We've got that as a backburner item to address. about 12 years ago


blake a agreed, I think both Keegan and I have struggled to come up with a good interface solution for entering a year / a month and a year / or a specific date without it becoming unnecessarily complex. Personally, if I only know an (approx) month and year, I enter the first of the month as the day, and likewise 01/01/YYYY if I only know the year. If someone sees that it isn't exact, they can always update. about 12 years ago


HoodedGrub m True. I suppose anyone can edit the item and correct any incorrect release dates if they happen to know the exact date. about 12 years ago

I think the query about inputting just a year has come up a few times. I can't remember the outcome though. I have also often found info on the year for items I've added into the library, but no specific date, so for want of not guessing a date, I just leave it blank. I suppose a year is better than no date at all.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·

I like this suggestion! I hunt for information on past pieces I want, but find it is hard to find release dates. Generally only find the year.  I'm glad you all are considering it.

I also like the time line idea if it is an opt in for the artist and they can curate it, provide information on what was influencing them at the time, and what has changed over time.


about 12 years ago · Comment ·

also, maybe have it so you can view which customs are from what year on an artists page, and for lack of better phrasing, see how an artist has grown over the years.

about 12 years ago · Comment ·


blake a This would definitely be nice. I would see this as being part of a item "sort + grouping" feature that has been mentioned. For example, you might be able to go to an artist's items and group by release date, by color, by size (toy height), etc... about 12 years ago

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