Hydro74 Artist

Hydro74 is a Orlando based designer, otherwise known as Joshua M. Smith. The soul purpose of my career is to push the boundries in doing what I feel is relevant to the market as well as extract var...

Deady... and Friends Series

Greetings humans! I'm Voltaire and this is my extraterrestrial, teddy bear, DEADY! We'd like to introduce you to some of our friends.

Joe Ledbetter Artist

Influenced by classic animation, graphic design, and daily life, Joe Ledbetter's art is... well... a lot of things. Light-hearted in its approach, he often combines cute and cuddly creatures with u...

Huck Gee Artist

A UK native, Huck Gee is a contemporary artist, illustrator, toy maker, and designer best known by toy enthusiasts for his iconic “Skullhead” character and “Gold Life” art creations. Heavily influe...

Frank Kozik Artist

Frank Kozik was born in Madrid, Spain in 1962 . At the age of 14 he moved to the United States and settled in Austin, Texas. Credited with single handedly reviving the “lost” art of the concert pos...

Jon-Paul Kaiser Artist

Born into the greyness of England at the end of the Seventies, by the age of four Jon-Paul Kaiser knew that what he wanted to do in life was a draw. From that point he rarely strayed from that path...

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